The Difference Between a Pillow Top and a Euro Top Mattress

Both eurotop and pillowtop mattresses have an extra layer of foam for added comfort. The difference is mainly aesthetic: while the pillowtop is sewn onto the top of the mattress, the eurotop is built into the mattress itself. Both kinds offer orthopedic support, and so are good choices for children or elderly individuals with orthopedic problems.

Pillow top mattress feature an additional layer of padding stitched right on top of the mattress. Pillow top mattress usually look like the extra padding layer. Pillow-like layer sewn underneath to keep it in place.

Euro top mattresses are very similar to a pillow top mattress, eupo tops also feel soft. The extra layer of padding lines up with the edges of the mattress. Eupo tops are sewn to create a flush, uniform appearance.
From user perspective, there is no big difference between these two mattress. Fiber filled mattress topper could enhance the comfort of mattress and protect it from dust, liquid and accidents.
Find an mattress topper and mattress protector that fit for both Eurotop mattress and pillow top mattress. With elastic skirt fits for up to 18 inch. Spring Hometextile is a China based manufacturer for filled bedding products and waterproof mattress protector.

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