Right Ways to Clean Down-Filled Items

The light, warm and cozy down-filled items are very popular. Although most manufacturers give some washing instructions for their down-filled items, washing down-filled items is still a rather troublesome matter. When cleaning and drying your down items, you can follow these steps to keep them in a pristine condition.

First, check whether your down-filled items have worn stitching or holes before washing them. If have, make sure repair them to avoid loss of down stuffing during laundering process.

Second, the home washer may be not enough big for your large size down-filled items, such as full-size, queen-size and king-size comforters and mattress protectors. Thus, you need to take them to local laundromat in which large-capacity front-loading washing machines are available. However, you can use your home washer to wash your down pillow, which is very convenient, especially for home front-loading washing machine. If you don’t have one, you may also clean them at local laundromat to prevent damage from the agitator.

Third, check whether stubborn stains stay on your down items. It’s better to use enzymatic cleaner to clean these stubborn stains. Color-safe bleach is also used for the stains caused by food.

Fourth, A pair of clean canvas shoes without laces or a sock filled with two tennis balls help keep the down from bunching and agitate soil from the items.

Fifth, lukewarm water is the best option for the down items. Hot or cold water will cause down hard. In addition, the delicate-cycle setting and mild laundry detergent is better for down items. Finally, make sure all soap is rinsed thoroughly.

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