How to treat your Linens

Usually,rough washers, and hot dryers can damage the fibers and reduce the life of your linens. Maybe you should try following suggestions to keep your best linens luxurious.

Changing your sheets once a week and your pillowcases twice a week is usually sufficient. Washing them more than once a week can cause them to age faster. Once there are some stains on it, try to clean it immediately before it sets. Usually, if you attack it while it’s still wet, it comes out easily.

When it’s time to wash, choose a mild detergent, such as Linen Wash. You can generally wash in warm water on a gentle cycle, though wash in cold water if you feel they are fragile. It’s best to use a front-loading washer without an agitator to reduce the strain on the fabric. Avoid chlorine bleach, stain removers, or any harsh soaps – if you want an extra-fresh smell, try adding a cup of white vinegar to the rinse water.

Air-drying is really the best approach after washing them,because heat can hurt your linens, . However, If the environment don’t allow it, use the low (delicate/permanent press) setting on your dryer. To steer clear of wrinkles, remove the linens while they are still slightly damp and either iron them immediately or make the bed right away, smoothing them out as you go.

As for Linen, hemp, silk, jute, and ramie are all fabrics that ought not be dunked in water. If the care labels instruct you to hand-wash, do so with cool water and mild soap, such as dish detergent. Just as with down, linens need to be stored in cool, dry places where air can circulate.

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