Bamboo Textile

The word “bamboo” may bring to mind a panda bear eating bamboo leaves and shoots, or a stand of tall bamboo plants rapidly taking over a parcel of land. The modern view of bamboo is quickly changing, however, as a process used to take the bamboo from plant to various textiles such as pants, shirts, dresses, children’s clothes, towels, and sheets is gaining popularity. In the search for new and better ways to create and manufacture eco-friendly items that are better for the planet and healthier for people, bamboo has proved to be a sustainable and environmentally sound resource.

Amazing Fiber

In truth, bamboo has always been a useful plant, as people have been using bamboo for food, shelter and various items of clothing for thousands of years. Chinese and Japanese cultures used bamboo to make hats and shoes, while the plant found favor in the 1800’s in the Western world as the rigid portion of ladies’ corsets, bustles and dresses.

However, it wasn’t until recently that two manufacturing processes became widely used to turn the rapidly growing plant into a fiber that could be used to make soft and comfortable items of clothing, bedding, and towels. As companies searched for environmentally friendly and sustainable new materials, the very nature of bamboo has shown it to be a naturally green source for textiles.

The bamboo plant is one of the most abundant, renewable, and sustainable plants in the world. It requires little water, grows rapidly, can continue to grow after harvest, and has natural properties that make it antibacterial, insect repellent during growth, and biodegradable. Much of the bamboo that is grown to supply the textile industry is done in a carefully controlled and responsible manner that is certified organic, pesticide-free, and can be manufactured using a closed system that reclaims the production materials for recycling and reuse.

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